Saturday 8 September 2007

Shorelines again... this time with detail

I'm still moving far too slowly for my liking to some more abstract and bigger works. I seem to be stuck on small, small, small paintings for the time being and am looking forward to having access to my Saturday studio space/workshop from October onwards again.

In the meantime, I've been doing a bit of 'dessembling' - I'm sure that while it's not a word it's a process nonetheless: from my Shoreline repetition, my most recent proper, large pastel painting, I've started to take small detailed close-ups and made invidivual small studies. So, rather than to assemble or montage something I am doing the opposite... so dessemblage seems just the appropriate word for it :)

I've been using the watersoluble crayons and waterbrush again, though I'm a bit unsatisfied with the 'straightness' of the colours for what I was after. Again, a matter of experimentation and trying out which medium works best for. It'll be acrylics later on this afternoon, but here's the set of three dessemblages from the shoreline painting first.

All of them are 11x11cm, neopastel ii and waterbrush on NOT watercolour paper:

Shoreline detail no 1

Shoreline detail no 2

Shoreline detail no 3


Chris Bellinger said...

Me again if you take a peake at my Blog you can see me latest video production on useing water soluable crayons, well how I use them anyway.

Gesa said...

Hi Chris,
you sure discovered the video module for blogger, hm?
I originally bought the crayons for trying some monotype rather than using them for sketches - but they work really well with a waterbrush and are easy to take with me. They blend reasonably well, normally, but not quite in these studies though