Sunday 24 April 2011

lists (with birds)

lists: openssh; cydia; tinyumbrella; fw 3.1.3; itunes; tinyumbrella; rewind with fw 4.1.2; tinyumbrella; itunes; tinyumbrella; redsn0w; cydia; netatalk; finder. success. 1:40 hrs of sunday morning birdsong retrieved from phone. an extract here:


SamArtDog said...

With your post opened, I left my laptop on the chair and then spent the next 20 minutes looking for the bird I knew was right outside my studio window. Hmmm. I didn't think it was a familiar song...

Gesa said...

;) -- very good. not good at bird song/knowing what bird: chaffinch and blackbird i can make out; and wood pigeon... marsh tit, coal tit etc. likely to be there too. others???