Tuesday 4 March 2008

Hoarding as hobby?

... I am not too sure about that one at all, and maybe that will be my ultimate downfall when it comes to collaging...

As much as I enjoy getting glimpses of other people's collections, I find it a bit difficult to remind myself to pick up things, keep things and think of them as possibly something else.

But I am trying... and these are some of my recent found papers: a little bag which brought me cardamon coffee from Jerusalem's old town, some scraps of leather when I customised my recent bag acquisition, a concert ticket, and some photo print outs from my recent art which had gone wrong (the print out, not the art) - and subsequent attempts at fixing my printer.


Bensa said...

Na, ich grinse hier mal breit. Das "Sons & daughters" Nader's für KardamonMokka umgenutzte Schmucktütchen auf Deinem Küchentisch treffen... Haste ja alle Deine Liebsten beieinander, hm? :-)))))
Sorry, had some wine here. Many kisses from Jerusalem!

Gesa said...

Pshht... erzaehl das mal niemandem, Suesse ;)... da ist auch noch etwas Bokel dabei...