Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Two more additions...

The sea is yellow (Detail)
Pastel on Board

... I've been mentioning some of my coming togethers of research and art before. So I thought I'd come up with two more tags... well, it's not really the case that my indexing is either comprehensive or systematic - as anyone following the tags will quickly discover.

But, there are two tags I've been thinking about.

Tag 1: Working in the arts. The first thing to tag is a piece I came across in the newspaper a couple of weeks back. The fact that Damien Hirst is suffering from the recession. The Guardian article was insightful. Cos: clearly it is not Damien who suffers but the artists on temporary contracts of about £19k per annum (with the UK average annual income somewhere around £24k and for London, where these are based closer to £30k). They have been told that they won't be needed to paint the handpainted pills in the medicine cabinets once they worked their notice of 4 weeks until Christmas.
No, I don't have much time for diamond skulls... none whatsoever in fact. And I know how many industries have rubbish working conditions. But: NONETHELESS.
It's tagged. Maybe there's some research on good jobs, bad jobs in the creative industries in there some time....

The link to the full article is here.

Secondly, Tag 2: Researching creativity - or thereabouts. It's in addition to my Thinkings tag something to do about employing creativity (art based or not) in social research. It's a bit fluffy and loose at this moment in time. That's probably a good thing. One of my recent new books is Creative methods in organizational research. I've only started reading it.

It starts with a poem by William Wandsworth which marked the start of one PhD student's journal on writing her PhD.

... And I have felt
a presence that disturbs me with the joy
of elevated thought; a sense sublime
of something far more deeply interfused,
whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
and the round ocean and the living air,
and the blue sky, and the mind of man;
a motion and a spirit, that impels
all thinking things, all objects of thought,
And rolls through all things...

... that's a segment from Tintern Abbey, and it continues with:

Therefore I am still
A lover of the meadows and the woods;
and mountains and of all that we behold

So, we've got plenty of reasons for landscapisms thrown in here too. Nice.

That's for curiosity. And different ways of exploring that.

Seeing that I need at least three or five entries for any tag to show up in the cloud, I better go and continue with these then, what do you think?


littlemithi said...

Thanks for the comments over at my blog Gesa ... its hard being an artist, eh? its so qualitative - how does one judge whats good, or not ... (I'm not a big fan of diamond encrusted skulls either!)

Whats all the research for? I must say I've always been interested in creativity and where it comes from too. Although my interest is a lot more neuroscientific. If I had to live my life all over again, brain science and creativity is what I would have done my PhD on ...

Gesa said...

Hi Mithi... hm... yes... but of course it's not just quality as objective variable that gets you recognition but so many other things too. All the social science research is for earning my living :) Much of my job is research on e.g. labour market stuff; but much of the methodology I've been using is soo limited I find. And that's where I'm trying to sneak some of that creativity in. But that always depends so much also on whom you're working with (and in general economists as colleagues lack somewhat in creativity I find, but: psst.
I think the subject of my PhD would be still similar to what it was, but I'm muhc more interested again in methodology: the how of finding out about stuff and producing (creating?) knowledge, so I would have been a lot more experimental/creative in the way of research design. That's what I'm trying to figure out with some current research proposals I'm working on.