Thursday 2 August 2007

More memories

My parents had bought a derelict farmhouse when I was 13 and we moved to this village where over the next years my dad with various help from all sides would rebuild the house and various outbuildings. Soon after we finally moved into the renovated building in 1989, my parents were set on taking down the glorious chestnut tree that has been there for ages and in (sad) anticipation I painted this one:

Watercolour on paper, 40x30cm

What happened next wasn't that the tree disappeared completely but instead was rather harshly cut back. However, 17 years on, it's grown back happily - and as you can see, too, the barn had received a facelift in the meantime too. In fact, my dad is now on the final building - a washhouse and storage building that is struggling to keep its roof.

Pen, Neopastel II in sketchbook, 21x28cm

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