Sunday 2 March 2008

Square distractions

I bought a few more of the 10x10 square boards - although the square format doesn't work too well for actual landscapes - for which just off square or portrait works much better for me - these little squares are good fun. Plus: they help me sorting out colour schemes and some ideas for abstraction.

So, before applying the most recent layer on the larger oils, I did a few small sketches - two to mirror compositions of the bigger ones, and two more abstract ones.

2x 10x10cm oil on canvas board

I find the small format too flimsy for complex compositions - or maybe I'm just too impatient? But in any case, the strength of the colours comes into play quite nicely in the second, more abstract lot. There's more possibility there, I reckon...

2x 10x10cm oil on canvas board

Seeing the colours on their own in the two square above is great - in the sense that it allows me to simplify, experiment - and with the limited palette, there is no worry of not getting to that colour again. I'm starting to get used to the palette and what it can do where... quite good fun, that is.

1 comment:

moneythoughts said...

Hi Gesa,

I was checking out people that paint and I came across your blog. Very nice work. Unique style for oil, yet very soft and relaxed.

I write and paint. Take a look at my blog, you might find it of interest.
I post new art work every Saturday.
